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The 1960s saw the dramatic growth of television, leading to motion pictures being shown on screen at home


In the 1960s there was a dramatic growth of television, and ultimately color-television

The changing taste in movies embraced by the emergent ‘baby-boom’ audience brought forward a new generation of filmmakers including David Lean in the UK, with films like The Bridge Over the River Kwai. In addition to productions like Dr. Zhivago, the British industry fostered the launch of the most sustained global franchise in movie history based on Sir Ian Fleming’s novels and the exploits of secret agent James Bond, with films like Dr. No, and From Russia with Love – Eon Productions.

The Bridge on the River Kwai

Director: David Lean
Studio: Horizon Pictures
Colorist: Sati Tooray

Dr. Zhivago

Director: David Lean
Studio: MGM-British Studios, Sostar S.A & Carlo Ponti Production

Dr. No

Director: Terence Young
Studio: Eon Productions

From Russia with Love

Director: Terence Young
Studio: Eon Productions


The Bridge on the River Kwai
Doctor Zhivago
Dr. No
From Russia with Love


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